How to set up an AduroSmart Home Hub?
Check out this video:
I don’t have an AduroSmart account how do I make one?
On the boot screen of the ERIA app during setup in the right bottom corner tap on: “New here? Sign Up!” you will then be redirected to the account creation process.
I am not receiving the authorization code during setup and account creation.Make sure that you pressed the “Get code” button. Then open your provided email box to find a mail from developer@adurosmart.com to find your 6 digit code. If you do not find the code please look in your junk mail folder cause it could have accidentally been placed there by your email client.
What does a blue LED indicate on the ERIA hub?
A blue LED means that the hub has no working internet connection, please check the settings of your internet router.
If the light is blinking red, it means that the hub has not been successfully set up. Check that the hub is connected to the router.
A green led indicates a that the hub is connected to the internet and your home network
How do I reset the ERIA hub?
To reset your hub, simply hold down the button on top of your hub until the light turns solid red. The hub will then reset.
How do I connect my ERIA smart home with Amazon Alexa?
Make sure that you first have successfully setup the ERIA hub with its devices in the ERIA app and then follow the instructions in the below video.
See below video for more instructions:
How do I connect my ERIA smart home with Google Assistant?
Make sure that you first have successfully setup the ERIA hub with its devices in the ERIA app and then follow the instructions in the below video.
See below video for more instructions:
How do I connect an ERIA bulb to my hub?
Switch on/off your lights 5 times, until the lamp flashes this indicates that the lamp is set into pairing mode, please follow the instructions in the ERIA app to initiate searching for the bulb.
See below video for more instructions:
How do I connect a Philips Hue bulb to the ERIA hub?
When paired before with another hub make sure that your Philips HUE bulb is reset with a touchlink enabled dimming switch and switch the light on then follow the instructions in the ERIA app to initiate searching for the bulb.
It seems like I am having signal issues and the connection between the hub and my smart home devices, how can I improve this?
Make sure that you do not have any signal disturbances due to metal coated surfaces or reinforced concrete walls if this is not the case then; Above issue could be caused by occupied Wi-Fi channels around you that overlap with your ZigBee channels, to improve your signal stability and strength, please follow below instructions:
Open the ERIA app
Tap on “Settings”, Tap on “Hub”
Tap on the “I” information symbol next to the hub, you will then be directed to the HUB settings.
You will see a line called ZigBee and after it you see the channel it can b 11, 15, 20 or 25.
On the bottom there is a button “Change channel”
Make sure that all your devices are powered the devices that are not powered during the channel change will be losing their connection. If all devices are powered, then tap on “Change channel” the channel is standard set on 15 but if you are experiencing signal issues on this channel, we advise to change it to channel 25. To change the channel tap on “Change channel” until it moves to channel 25.
I can’t pair my Smart Home device with the AduroSmart ERIA hub.
First of all, make sure that you have a ZigBee device you can recognise it from the red “Z” logo on the packaging.
Then make sure that your smart home device is listed on https://adurosmart.com/product-category/works-with/ if the item is listed it means that we tested the compatibility and we can guarantee that you are able to control this smart home device with the AduroSmart ERIA hub if it’s not listed we can’t guarantee that you are able to control it, but if it’s a ZigBee certified item there is a possibility that it still works.
Make sure that you set your device into pairing mode to do this follow the instructions of the smart home device that you would like to connect to the AduroSmart ERIA hub.
Initiate the device search (pairing mode) from your ERIA app. The pairing mode is indicated by a green flashing LED indicator on your ERIA hub.
Tap on Settings, then tap on Devices and + choose your device and if your smart home device is set into pairing mode the device should show up in your app.
If you are still unable to connect the device move it closer during pairing, and move it back to the desired location after pairing.
If above is still not working try and reset your smart home device and follow above steps again.
I can’t pair my HUE lights with the ERIA hub.
If you have paired your HUE lights before with the HUE system they are locked into that system, you would first have to reset the HUE bulbs back to factory default. The only way resetting the HUE lightbulbs is by a HUE dimming switch through a touchlink command.
You do this by moving your HUE dimming switch closely to your HUE bulb when its turned on and press the ON and OFF button pressed it will then flash twice to confirm it has been set back to factory default. You can now pair the HUE bulbs with any other ZigBee system as well as the ERIA system.
You can now pair them with the AduroSmart ERIA hub by initiating the search from the AduroSmart APP, and turning the HUE bulb ON. It should then show up in your AduroSmart ERIA app.
Can I connect other branded smart devices to my AduroSmart home Hub?Yes! You can also connect third-party Zigbee devices into the system, including devices from Philips Hue, Yale, Kwikset, Ikea, GE, Schlage and Zen.
How many simultaneous devices can be connected to this hub?
100 devices, 50 lamps, 20 sensors, 20 plugs and 10 others such as locks and thermostats.
Does this hub allow me to control multiple devices at once?
Yes! You have the ability to control multiple devices in your home all at the same time! Simply create a room with the specific products you would like to control and watch them all function at the same time. This includes light bulbs and devices all at once.
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